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A classroom filled with young students engaged in creative activities, using colorful paper and materials on desks in a vibrant learning space
100 Days of School

First Grade celebrated the 100th Day of School on Monday, February 5, by counting by 1s and 10s and crafting a 100-day hat!

A decorated door at Carrie Martin Elementary features colorful student-made notes and drawings expressing appreciation for school counselors Mrs. Taie and Miss Holli
National School Counseling Week

During the first week of February, we celebrated National School Counseling Week with heartfelt notes and artwork from students honoring Mrs. Taie and Miss Holli.

students during their booktasting
Book Tasting!

5th Grade had great fun during their book tasting,They tasted 5 books to decide their new read aloud!

10 staff members dressed in various inflatable costumes
Teachers in Inflatables!!

We celebrated the success of the Tiger Trample with an inflatable obstacle race assembly! Staff members volunteered to race in various inflatable costumes and the students cheered them on loudly from the sidelines! Such a fun event!

students from our Lighthouse team posing in front of a truck for the Larimer County food bank    k
Food Drive Success!!

Our Student Lighthouse team loaded up a truck with all our schools donated food to help the Larimer County Food Bank! Way to go leaders!!

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